Tanzpol Berlin


Mostafa Shabkhan

29.05.2024 | 19:00 | Uferstudios, Studio 1 + Artist-Talk

Language: EN, Farsi | Price 15€ / 10€ reduced | Length: 40 Min


We are products of the circumstances that surround us. Shaped by experiences that often bring either obstacles or moments of peace. In this piece, the ebb and flow of transitions are constant, shifting seamlessly from moments of reflection to tension and back again. Situations evolve and solidify, some with clear direction while others remain ambiguous, emerging from both internal contemplation and external influences.

Notes on accessibility

This event will be offered as a Relaxed Performance. The artist talk will be held in Farsi. A translation into German and English will be provided via headphones. For information on content notes, sensory triggers, childcare and further information on accessibility, click here:

Relaxed Performances | Phonetic Translations | Childcare | Sensory Triggers | Content Notes | Alternative Sitting Options | Venues | Early Boarding


Choreography/concept/performance: Mostafa Shabkhan
Music: Arash Ebrahimi
Light: Ali Asghar Koozehgar
Object-design: Banafsheh Namiranian
Video/photo: Alireza Abbasi
Assistance/production-management: Kimia Salahshouriances

Mostafa Shabkhan is a Tehran-based artist who started his career as a theater actor in Kashan in 1998. In 2006 he moved to Tehran where he experienced physical theater as an actor and was introduced to contemporary dance techniques. In 2014 he co-founded the MaHa troupe, an independent collective engaged in Performing Arts. Mostafa has been researching the body and movement extensively since then, working across various cities in Iran, as well as in Eastern and Western Europe. He works as a dancer, choreographer, workshop facilitator and director.

📷 Credits: Babak Haghi | Alireza Ahmadifar | Alireza Abbasi